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REFLECTS employees from different departments

Working at REFLECTS®

What is means to be part of the REFLECTS® family

Of course, we certainly haven’t reinvented the concept of work. And we are not immune to having routine tasks occasionally, or some days that are a little less exciting than others. But rest assured, these days really are the exception. If you’re looking to work in the advertising material sector, there’s one thing you should know: generally, no two days are alike – not least because every customer is different and has their own unique requirements. And this is exactly what makes our work so full of variety.

Our customers include dealers and agencies that are looking for very special promotional items for their customers. And that prefer tailor-made products to standard cookie-cutter solutions. For this reason, our Sales, Purchasing, Marketing, Enhancement and Dispatch departments have to be particularly flexible, creative and inventive. After all, our work centres on the customer – not forgetting our workforce or partners either.

Our aim is to offer our customers a memorable experience. To make this possible, we take great care to ensure that our employees are a perfect match for our company, that they take great pleasure in serving our customers and that they share our passion for what we do and the services we offer.

Find out everything you need to know about REFLECTS® below.

What drives us? 

Meinhard Mombauer CEO REFLECTS GmbH

Fun, curiosity and a passion for promotional material.

We’ll come out and say it: we absolutely love to discover new things. And have done since REFLECTS® was launched in 1988 by Meinhard Mombauer. Of course, a lot has happened since then and many things have changed. But our passion for promotional material has remained the same. It’s what drives us, because we are certain that there is no better advertising medium, and no more effective platform for advertiser companies to express their message personally, agreeably and memorably.

We do, or course, appreciate that our competitors can do the same things that we do. But because we are motivated to provide the best products with the perfect advertising display without exception, we give it our all in every assignment. And this is precisely what lets us be one idea ahead of the others.

The other factors that spur us on? Having fun working in a team, with someone always ready to crack a joke. Having the courage to take risks and to make quick decisions. Enjoying the friendliness of a family business – and of our boss. He loves and lives for our company. And this is something you can see and feel.

Our sector:

 REFLECTS at the PSI Trade Fair 2020

Colourful, diverse and ever-changing.

The advertising material sector is one of the top sectors in the advertising industry. It generates a revenue of over €3.5 billion per year in Germany. It is estimated that there are 3,000 dealers and resellers of promotional items and advertising material in Germany alone – from the small “one-man shop” to the international company group. According to official figures, more than 30,000 people are active in the sector.

Our sector is united and guided by the umbrella organisation GWW (Gesamtverband Werbeartikel-Wirtschaft e. V. - Association of Advertising and Business). With regard to sales, nearly all classic and digital sales channels are represented.

The sector’s main trade fair is the PSI, the leading European trade show of the promotional product industry. The trade show is held in Düsseldorf every January. Incidentally, there are over 3,000 dealers compared with roughly 500 suppliers. We are one of the largest.

Our customers:

colourful shopping trolley chips as keychains

Demanding, enthusiastic and always different. 

When we talk about customers, we differentiate between direct and indirect customers:

Direct customers: These customer are resellers or dealers. The latter are split up into classic dealers, mail-order dealers and online dealers. Agencies work with promotional items too.

Indirect customers: These customers are behind the dealers and are generally referred to as end-customers or industrial customers. In Germany alone there are more than one million of them. They range from DAX companies to micro-entities. But who ultimately decides what promotional items are selected? This is partly dependent on the size and structure of the particular company. For industrial customers, the owner may make the decision. For a listed company, it may be the trading manager who has the say.

Wood and cork promotional items

Always on the move 

As you can imagine, it is these factors, and the wide range of companies that we deal with, that make our job so interesting and full of variety. Diversity is part of our day-to-day business. In other words, at the same time as talking to a Bundesliga football association, we might be writing a bid for a mobile phone supplier while working on an assignment for a major bank.

And things get really exciting when we get to meet our customers in person, for example at trade fairs. This gives us a chance to show our products to the world’s most promising and influential companies, organisations and associations. And this is a great source of pride for us.

Our departments:

Facade by REFLECTS Cologne

From general administration to customs clearance.

REFLECTS® is a trading company with connected production. This means that we buy in products on a large scale but also produce and finish promotional items in-house. We have the following departments:

  •     Finance, General Administration
  •     Sales, Domestic and Export
  •     Purchasing
  •     Administrative Office
  •     Marketing, Graphics
  •     Enhancement (Work Preparation)
  •     IT
  •     Production
  •     Warehousing and Logistics
  •     Import, Customs Clearance

Our apprenticeships: 

Julie Issert-Tabardel at work

We train!

We are a company that is not only committed to the personal and professional development of our employees, but also to the promotion of young talents within the framework of training. Whether you are at the beginning of your career or looking for a new challenge, you will find a variety of opportunities to fully develop your potential with us.

Are you about to graduate from school or would you like to get your first taste of working life? Then you've come to the right place! We are looking for motivated young talents whom we can support and accompany intensively.

With an apprenticeship at Reflects, many doors will open for you. It's not just about pure technical knowledge. We actively support you. Not only professionally, but also personally, so that you are optimally equipped for your future professional life. Immerse yourself in different areas, take on responsible tasks and realise your potential in exciting trainee projects. Your future has so much to offer - start it with us!

Topics taught and qualifications:

Multi-layered, varied and interlinked. 

Since we’re on the subject, we will address a question that is important for potential applicants: what qualifications do I need to have if I want to work for REFLECTS®? There is no set answer to this question. The qualifications can vary depending on the area in which we are recruiting.

Generally speaking, team skills and multi-layered and interconnected thinking are extremely important. A certain tenacity paired with ambition and perseverance is also an advantage. People who work at REFLECTS® tend to be generalists – people with more multifaceted skills and interests. Of course, people who are complete specialists also have their place, for example in IT or finance.

This leaves the question of what you can actually learn at REFLECTS®. The answer? A whole lot. As a medium-sized, owner-operated company, we deal with new challenges every day. For example, the market conditions change faster than we would prefer. As all of our divisions work hand in hand in close collaboration, they work well as an interlinked, coordinated team. It is always a matter of not losing sight of the big picture, bringing the right people on board and working even in the face of uncertainty.

If this is something that appeals to you, you could be a future employee. And we do, of course, ensure that you receive further training and offer corresponding positions, where necessary and advisable.

Day-to-day work: 

The future of REFLECTS® and the sector:

Top prospects for good business.

We see the future of the promotional item industry as particularly positive. The sector has greatly increased in value in recent years – now with an annual revenue of €3.5 billion in Germany. Studies have confirmed that promotional items are increasing in popularity. Particularly at a time when our lives are becoming more and more digital, people have a desire for something physical. Something they can touch and thus actually connect with.

We believe that this will give promotional materials a further push. As one of the leading companies on the importer and manufacturer side, we believe we are very well placed for further successful growth. Our clear market position, future-focused vision and motivated workforce are guarantees of success.

REFLECTS® at trade fairs:

REFLECTS exhibition stand Counter PSI 2020

A strong presence with strong products 

Our main trade fair is PSI in Düsseldorf, the leading European trade show for the promotional product industry. As one of the sector’s leading companies, we exhibit there with a stand over 300 square metres in size. In this environment we make contact with our customers and strengthen our friendly relationships with them – a very special event every year.

REFLECTS employees at the Welcome Home trade fair

Also on the road internationally

As well as PSI, we exhibit at other national and international trade fairs, for example in the Netherlands, France and the UK. We also take part in various in-house exhibitions and roadshows.

REFLECTS® in social networks:

Screenshot Facebook page REFLECTS - May 2021

Success with likes and followers.

Business to business is central to what we do. As a medium-sized company, social networks are very important for us. You can already follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. On top of this, we are planning to extend our presence to Instagram and other social networks.

Our location

Railway stop sign cologne Marsdorf

From the Rhine to the whole world 

Our headquarters are based in Marsdorf, in the far West of the popular business hub Cologne, perfectly positioned for travel into the city. We are easy to get to by train or car. From the city centre, Line 7 will take you to the nearby station Köln Marsdorf. We also have a direct link to Autobahn 1 and 4.