
Website Content

The contents of this website are created with the greatest possible care. However, Reflects GmbH does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the provided content.

Website Availability

Reflects GmbH strives to offer the service for retrieval without interruption. However, despite all care, downtime cannot be ruled out. Reflects GmbH reserves the right to change or discontinue its offering at any time. It assumes no responsibility for interruptions or other disturbances caused by files that are not created without errors or formats that are not structured without errors.

Copyright Notice

All content and structures of this website are protected by copyright and ancillary copyright law. Publication on the World Wide Web or in other Internet services does not imply consent for any other use by third parties. Any use not permitted by German copyright law requires the prior written consent of Reflects GmbH.

Quoting the provided content and documents and setting links to this website are expressly permitted, provided it is indicated that the content originates from the Reflects GmbH website and these contents are not associated with third-party content that contradicts the interests of Reflects GmbH.

Notice on the Use of External Links

Reflects GmbH is responsible for its own content, which it makes available for use, in accordance with general laws. Cross-references (links) to the content provided by other providers must be distinguished from these own contents. By the cross-reference, Reflects GmbH makes third-party content available for use, which is marked as a link.

Links are dynamic references. Reflects GmbH has checked the third-party content upon the initial linking to determine whether it could trigger a possible civil or criminal responsibility. However, it does not constantly review the content to which it refers in its offer for changes that could newly establish a responsibility. If it determines or is informed by others that a specific offer to which it has provided a link triggers civil or criminal responsibility, it will remove the reference to this offer.