Popular present to wine connoisseurs: Wine set with thermometer, drip ring, bottle stopper and waiter's knife made of graceful bamboo.
Do you have any questions concerning this Wine set RE98-PUT?
Product:Wine set RE98-PUT
Product number:52141
Product dimensions: 175 x 148 x 50 mm
Product weight: 0.462 kg
Materials: bamboo, glass, metal
Colours: brown, silver
Packaging: gift box
Product dimensions with packaging: 183 x 165 x 58 mm
Dimensions per shipping carton: 40 x 36 x 42.5 cm
Quantity per shipping carton: 24 pieces
Carton weight: 13 kg
Bottle stopper:
Brand: RE98
Drop ring:
Waiter knife:
Wine thermometer:
Wooden box:
Branding types: Laser engraving, Laser engraving CO2, Pad printing, UV digital printing
Branding colours: up to 5
Handling category: C
Branding options: UV direct printing 4, laser engraving < 8cm², laser engraving CO2 < 4cm², laser engraving CO2 < 8cm², pad printing L (1c), pad printing L (2c), pad printing S (1c), pad printing S (2c), pad printing S (3c)
Customs tariff number: 82055100
Country of origin: CN
Reflects GmbH
Toyota-Allee 54, 50858 Köln, Germany
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